This Garlic & Honey Oxymel is a fantastic remedy that is easy to make and can be used at the first sign of a sniffle or feeling a but under the weather... and another great thing - it is a tasty salad dressing too!! Bonus Food as Medicine!!
Garlic is known for its potent anti-microbial properties, due to the chemical Allicin that has proven anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anti-bacteria and anti-viral effects (1).
Fennel seeds contain numerous flavanoids (antioxidants), which can have a protective effect against infections. Fennel seeds also contain volatile essential oil compounds which are antioxidants and also have a calming and anti-flatulent effect on the digestive system (2).

Caraway seeds also have similar health-benefiting volatile oils to fennel, that are also antioxidant, digestive, carminative and anti-flatulant, i.e. has a calming effect on the stomach and digestion (3).
Ginger is another wonderfully protective natural medicine, which now has evidece to show its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-nausea and possible anti-cancer actions (4).
Manuka honey or other medicinal honey is another fabukous healer, whcih adds further anti-bacterial and soothing effect on sore throats, with its wound-healing properties (5).

As this is a medicine, use organic or best quality that you can afford to get the maximum nutrient value and benefits. An Oxymel is a preparation using honey and vinegar which act as natural preservatives. The following quantities can be adjusted to taste - i.e. add more honey if you need!
- 30g / 10 cloves garlic bulb
- 4g (1 heaped tsp) fennel seeds
- 4g (1 heaped tsp) caraway seeds
- 100ml Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
- 40ml (2 Tbsp) Raw or Manuka Honey
Optional: Knob of ginger, sliced
- Peel and crush the garlic / cut into halves and place in a jar.
- Gently warm the seeds (and ginger if you want to use that!) in the vinegar WITHOUT BOILING for a few minutes to help release the oils from the seeds. Strain the seeds if you wish (you can leave them in and eat them too if you are making a dressing)
- Allow the vinegar to be just warm enough to stir/dissolve the honey. Don't heat the honey as you want to ensure maximum medicinal properties are retained!
- Pour the mixture into the jar with the garlic and allow to steep. For a strong garlic effect and taste, leave the garlic in. If you want a milder effect, leave overnight then strain all the seeds and garlic out.
- OPTIONAL: To make into a syrup, simmer at a very low heat until desired consistency is reached.
To Use:
- Take a teaspoon or tablespoon as necessary for sore throats, colds, cough and flu! If you have a sore throat, grab a tablespoon and load it up 1/3 with manuka honey, they fill it with this garlic oxymel for an extra soothing effect on your throat.
SHARE THIS RECIPE with your friends and family!
- Garlic https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10594976
- Fennel https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4137549/
- Caraway https://www.nutrition-and-you.com/caraway-seed.html
- Ginger https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK92775/
- Medicinal properties of honey https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3609166/