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Ruby in Zoisite (Anyolite)

Metaphysical Properties of Ruby in Zoisite: Balances Base, Heart & Crown Chakras, Balances Fire & Earth Energies, Enhances Psychic Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Emotional Balance, Relieves Anger & Fear, Create Healthy Routines, Work-Life Balance, Fertility, Prosperity

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Metaphysical Properties of Ruby in Zoisite: Balances Base, Heart & Crown Chakras, Balances Fire & Earth Energies, Enhances Psychic Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Emotional Balance, Relieves Anger & Fear, Create Healthy Routines, Work-Life Balance, Fertility, Prosperity

View the video of our Ruby in Zoisite Collection here

Zoisite with Ruby, also known as Anyolite, is an amazing natural mineral combination found in Tanzania. Ruby is the stone of courage and strength, and purges any fear or anxiety that sit within us daily. Green Zoisite's energy produces growth and fertility in all aspects of life.

Ruby Zoisite is a powerful energy balancer, helping to release built up fear and anxieties as well as anger, helping to balance emotional energy and create a better overall life balance too.

Ruby Zoisite has very positive energy that can help to stimulate passion, love and encourages happiness. It helps to balance both earth and fire energies within us. Ruby connects to the fire element and can help to either ground excess fire energy that may result in anger or overly sexual energy or stimulate more fire energy in those who may be lacking passion, drive or creative energy. It can help to ignite our passions, and desire to tend to our needs, supporting us to feel good and to strive for creating a better life balance.

Zoisite is more of an Earth energy mineral, which is connected to material/physical matters, including manifestation, grounding, fertility, nature and nurturing growth, as well as practicality and organisation of things. Zoisite’s balancing of Earth energy in combination with the fire of Ruby assists us to become well-rounded as individuals, balancing emotions and intellect. For those who may struggle with work-life balance, it can be especially helpful in creating good boundaries and routines. Ruby Zoisite may also assist people to create and maintain good rituals and routines of self-care, giving you the drive to love and nurture yourself through attending to your needs.

Ruby Zoisite may also enhance your psychic awareness, as it has an energising effect on the crown chakra and balances the spiritual body. It encourages spiritual growth and learning and also enhances the connection between the heart and the brain.

View the video of our Ruby in Zoisite Collection here

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