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Fluorite properties: Mental Focus, Attention, Learning, Memory, Meditation, Psychic Protection, Order from Chaos, Clarity, Manifesting, Decision Making

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Fluorite properties: Mental Focus, Attention, Learning, Memory, Meditation, Psychic Protection, Order from chaos, Clarity, Manifesting, Decision Making

View the video of our Rainbow Fluorite Collection here

Fluorite is a mineral composed of calcium and fluorine (CaF2), and naturally occurs in all colours of the spectrum which makes it one of the most varied coloured minerals in the mineral kingdom. 

Fluorite is a highly collectible mineral, with fascinating cubic structures, and forming in a whole rainbow of colours! A wonderful artwork by nature, its structure of perfection and order resonates strongly with the mind, and brings energetic cohesiveness and harmony to energy which is discordant or scattered.

A highly spiritual stone, fluorite is a great meditation aid, as well as being a great energetic cleanser. It can assist us to calm and focus the mind, and has been called "the genius stone" as it connects us with our higher mental functions.

Fluorite is one of Nature’s most powerful mental healers - those who experience its power call it the "Genius Stone". Fluorite can connect the individual mind with the Universal mind, enhancing intuitive abilities. It is excellent for calming the mind, and promotes peaceful sleep.

Fluorite is a wonderful stone for amplifying energies - it is effective for auric cleansing and assists in reaching a deeper state of meditation. It encourages stability and reaching goals. Each Fluorite crystal skull is absolutely unique in its rainbow of colors, from greens, blues and whites to shades of purple and violet - this gives Fluorite a broad spectrum of energies and healing capabilities.

Fluorite comes in a variety of colour combinations, in some cases, you can let us know if you have a preference for more greener tones, or for more purple tones. Green supports healing for the heart and mind. Blue heals the throat, enhances inner peace and calm, and promotes truth, self-expression, loyalty and commitment. Purple increases focus, invites inspiration and hones psychic clarity. White/clear amplifies energy and creates pathways connecting the individual and universal mind.

Blue fluorite can be found in Inner Mongolia and helps to clear mental fog, and organise your thoughts. It is believed to calm the mind and help to let go of disappointment and rejection by eoncouraging honesty and acceptance. It promotes clear and focused communication and helps to dispel anger and instil patience.

Similarly, Indigo fluorite is a third eye activator and can provide insight, intuition and spiritual awareness. It helps to gain clarity on your spiritual purpose by clearing blockages and connecting you to your own intuitive wisdom, facilitating personal and spiritual growth.

View the video of our Rainbow Fluorite Collection here

Please note fluorite is an inherently soft stone (its hardness is only 3.5), and therefore needs to be treated with care and stored on its own to minimise risk of damage.

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