Eudialyte is a relatively rare stone from Russia, and ranges from a gem ruby-red to purple-reds, and forms with black and sometimes white minerals.
As a stone of "love and life force", Eudialyte's energy has a clearing and healing effect on the heart and base chakras. It's helpful to restore energy, passion and motivation to achieve your goals and manifest your heart's desires! The uplifting and joyful energy that Eudialyte opens you up to has an energising effect on your heart and soul, improving feelings of confidence and helping you to create positive changes in your life.
Eudialyte properties: Stone of "Life and Love force", Heart Chakra Opening and Clearing, Receive Love, Communicate from the heart, Joy, Uplifting, Energising, Motivation, Harmony, Emotional balance, Vitality, Protection, Balance, Align with your goals and manifest desires, Reassurance, Base and Heart Chakras