Metaphysical Properties of Smokey Quartz: Base Chakra, Grounding, Protection, Manifestation, Transmute Negativity, EMF protection, Earth connection, Power, Strength, Stability
Smokey quartz is a variety of crystalline quartz that ranges from a light yellowish brown to coffee-coloured brown, due to natural irradiation. It's part of the trigonal crystal system, which gives it a natural hexagonal shape.
Energetically, Smokey Quartz is a powerful grounding crystal that connects deeply to Mother Earth. When working on a higher spiritual level, or with high vibrational crystals, Smokey Quartz can assist us to assimilate those energies and information through our chakra system, allowing us to integrate and utilise those energies in a more practical way.
Smokey Quartz is also a powerful manifesting crystal, as it draws energies down from the crown (inspiration) towards the earth (actualisation). Therefore, it is helpful for bringing your dreams into reality!
Another strong property of Smokey quartz is its ability to clear energy, especially excess mental energy such as anxiety or stress, or persistent negative thoughts, as it draws energy away from the mind and towards the feet/grounding the energy. It absorbs negative energy, assisting us to transmute negative energies or feelings, back into positive ones.
Smokey Quartz is also a very protective crystal, and is a great one to wear or have in your environment, as it will absorb energies including EMF. Smokey Quartz is a great crystal to keep in an environment where organisation and practicality is required, such as during study or work!